Importance of Vitamin Supplements

About the is a great resourceful website of getting useful information on Vitamins, articles are written by Bella Mclaine - a freelance journalist who specialize in writing for quality websites.Article Source: - Importance of Vitamin Supplements

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How to Become a Hedge Fund Manager

How to Become a Hedge Fund ManagerAuthor: David BrownBecoming a hedge fund manager certainly has its perks... if you are successful. The King of the Hedgies is currently John Paulson who raked in 1bn for a years work shorting the sub prime markets and others certainly are not poor.Can you do it?The answer to that question is a yes and no. Just like it is possible for everyone to be a sports star. If you have the right physical capacity, the mental toughness and the commitment you can get to the top of your game, and of course, there is an element of luck in everything.The first thing to know about hedge funds is what they are.


LED resistors

LED resistorsAuthor: NajeebThe need of a resistor in an LED is to limit the current in the LED to a safe value. LEDs are semiconductors or diodes in particular. The current flowing in an LED is an exponential function of voltage across the LED. As a result what happens is that a small change in voltage can produce a huge change in current. That is the most important concept of why resistors are used in LEDs. Resistors have specific properties. The current and voltage in a resistor are linearly related. That means that a change in voltage will produce a proportional change in current.


How To Tutor GED Math

How To Tutor GED MathAuthor: Ronald NewtonI'm the math tutor who has the job of teaching students GED math. What it really means is that I figure out what isn't known and teach it. I have done this in classroom settings. Over the years established computer workshops using literacy software I created. Now retired I developed math instruction for the GED online class. So what's the problem? The subject matter. The student. I. How to provide one on one tutoring and coaching in the classroom as well as across the Internet. Let me start with the subject matter.