Parenting Tips for Single Mothers (Ezine Ready)

A good way to solve the problem is to make friends with other kids’ parents and exchange rides. Whenever you can’t make it to a game or event, the other parents can give your kid a lift and vice-versa. This is also a good way to build a strong, caring community for your child to grow up in.Discipline issuesDiscipline issues are toughest on single moms, because you don’t have a partner there to back you up when you’re trying to get through to your child. If there’s a discipline issue that you’re finding hard to deal with, ask for help from a friend or a family member. They might be able to talk to your child in a different way that will make him(your child) understand the problem better. And keep reminding your kid that you’ll always be there for him and he shouldn’t be afraid to talk to you about anything.Male role modelsAll kids, especially boys, need a good male role model when they’re growing up. Ask a trusted male friend or a male relative to come over once in a while and interact with your child. Someone whom your child can look up to as a positive male figure is essential to their (your child’s) growth. The dating sceneAt least for the early years of your child’s life, it is best if you stay out of the dating scene. Your main job right now, as a single mom, is to raise your kid in a good, healthy way. Casual dating will have to wait until your kid is older and mature enough to handle you being in it.  Remember to keep these tips as well as other black parenting advice in mind when rasing your child. Article Source: About the Author: Ryan Frank is a 23 year writer and blogger living in San Diego, CA.

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