Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center Waste

Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center WasteCutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center WasteAuthor: Tony JacowskiAncillary call center processes have been perfect opportunities to implement Lean Six Sigma. However, some additional effort is needed on the main process of the call center - the call handling process. With some software systems it is possible to bring about Lean culture and the elimination of waste. Waste in Call Center Scenario The agents in call centers will have to be considered as the processes, as they are ones who deal with customer calls. There will typically be a few types of calls received at the call center, but they may be responded to differently each time, as the person on the other end may react differently. If an agent handles 50 calls a day, they may be responding in 50 different ways.

Some help can be taken from (CRM) customer relationship management software to reduce the number of variations. To reduce these variations, a standard process is required. The agent should follow this process closely and management should make an effort to monitor the calls and the agents. Wastes in call center includes wait times, unnecessary steps and so on. These wastes need to be addressed with due care.

Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center WasteImprovements can bring about high levels of customer satisfaction, which is very relevant and important for successful call resolution.

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