I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)

I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as you leave the article title, author name, body and resource box in tact (means NO changes) with the links made active and you agree to our posted . Use the tools below to copy the article in plain text form, or you can copy it as HTML, ready to copy and paste directly into a web page. HTML Version: I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by Author: Dawn McIntyre Copyright (c) 2009 Dawn McIntyre No matter what age or size we are, most girls and women continually ask themselves, "What can I do to feel more beautiful?" I have found that all women, even the ones that are outwardly attractive, fail to see and feel the real beauty that exists within us all. The key to seeing and feeling this inner beauty is to develop a bond with our soul. My journey to feeling beautiful was painful at best and sabotaged by my upbringings at worst. I experienced many physical beatings as a child that included the rantings and ravings of how fat and ugly I was. As impressionable as I was as a child, as we all are, I believed it wholeheartedly.

I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)To make matters more difficult, I grew to 5'7" before I was twelve years old, and with my brown hair and eyes, I felt like a giant ugly duckling.

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