I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)

3. Self-confidence - Expressing our beautiful selves boldly in areas that speak to our hearts, without any concern for the approval or validation of others. At any point in time, when you are lacking in these areas, it is helpful to relax any judgments or attachments to what is being felt, thought or seen and instead simply witness what is going on for you, as you would witness the same in a complete stranger. This will serve to release the hold that any negativity would have on you re-claiming the beautiful you that is real, authentic there only hidden by your current perceptions. To intensify and solidify this real beauty within, look to your soul to guide you and help you reveal the hidden treasure of you. Your soul is by her very nature based on beauty, joy, and a perfection of being that is unshakeable once it is revealed, from the inside and out. To develop this connection and bond with your soul here are some strategies and tips to help you: 1. Before you go to sleep, ask your soul to guide you, through your dreams, to ways that you can easily connect with and get to know yourself at the soul level. 2. When you awake, call your soul to you. Sense your soul all around your physical being as a brilliant white light and then a feel a connection between the heart of your soul and your own heart chakra. A visual that works for this is to see your soul's heart as a diamond that fits into the center of your heart chakra that is a jewel of thousands of petals opening up more and more as you make this connection. Now ask your soul to sound its note of joy, love and beauty for the remainder of the day.

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New York City Criminal Records (Ezine Ready)

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