I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)

As a young woman I was offered many opportunities to model but I totally lacked the self-image and self-confidence to pursue these offers and chose to specialize in helping other women look beautiful through the beauty and fashion industries. As I embarked on my healing and spiritual journey, I learned to connect with my soul and to being committed to living as my soul as often as I could. Over time, it became very natural for me to identify with my soul and feel its beauty growing inside of me. It was at this time that I could actually look at myself in the mirror, and rather than cringe at what I saw, I smiled and felt grateful for the vessel that my body was, a vessel to house my soul and spirit, that I my live more fully and full of joy. There are many things we can do to develop this kind of relationship with our soul but before I share them with you I feel it is imperative for you to understand some key components to feeling beautiful now. The three components we need to work on and develop are: 1. Self-image- Seeing ourselves as beautiful in the present moment at all times. 2. Self-esteem - Thinking and feeling all that is beautiful about ourselves and others first and foremost.

I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)3. Self-confidence - Expressing our beautiful selves boldly in areas that speak to our hearts, without any concern for the approval or validation of others. At any point in time, when you are lacking in these areas, it is helpful to relax any judgments or attachments to what is being felt, thought or seen and instead simply witness what is going on for you, as you would witness the same in a complete stranger.

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