10 Marketing Issues to Address at Your Law Firm Retreat

10 Marketing Issues to Address at Your Law Firm Retreat10 Marketing Issues to Address at Your Law Firm RetreatAuthor: Paula BlackFrom team building to corporate culture, retreats give you a captive audience for the firm’s internal business, making it a perfect time to discuss an often ignored part of your business—marketing. By taking just a few minutes to sit down with partners, associates and staff you can make long-term changes that may be easier than you think. Below are 10 simple yet crucial issues to bring up at your next firm retreat... 1. Points of Differentiation In order to stand out in a sea of law firms you must identify and then market what makes your firm unique. Are you focused on personal attention? Have a 100-year history in a certain region? Employ attorneys who speak multiple languages? Bringing together partners, associates and staff can quickly bring about a clear vision of what makes the firm different and how that fits with what your clients need.

10 Marketing Issues to Address at Your Law Firm RetreatYou can then use that as part of your marketing and business development plan. 2. Firm Personality If your firm were a car what would it be? Strong and tough like a Ford truck? Sleek and fast like a Ferrari? Sophisticated and state-of-the-art like a Mercedes S-Class? How about an ice cream flavor? A beverage? A movie genre? All of these exercises not only make for a lively discussion, but work to help define your firm personality.

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Scientology Volunteer Ministers South Pacific Goodwill Tour in the Village of Pangaimotu

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Do you want to get pregnant but do not like the idea of using dangerous drugs? The best resource online for Natural Infertility cures is Lisa Olson's "Pregnancy Miracle" Guide. This comprehensive and in depth guide will show you everything you need to know about Chinese Medicine and Holistic Treatments that you can do in the comfort of your own home. Are you looking for how to get pregnant naturally and don't want to use harmful drugs? There are many drugs being offered at the moment that are very dangerous to your health, some can even increase your risk of ovarian cancer. While technology is advanced, there are still risks associated with drugs and treatments. All of these dangers are pushing women to search for safer alternatives.


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