Online Marketing Plan to Promote Your Coaching Business - Seven Simple Blog Traffic Strategies (Ezine Ready)

3. Email & forum signature I would not recommend that you do any direct selling or promoting of your coaching business in your response to a question or comment by your ideal prospect within the discussion group or forum, however, you are usually given the opportunity to use a signature. If you're not already using a signature with every email that you send out you're missing the opportunity to share with your connections not only who you are and what you do. Along with your name consider adding your business name with a link to your website. Adding a slogan or a quote that emphasizes your coaching message can be provocative and create curiosity for your reader to click thru to your website or blog. 4. Commenting on high profile blogs also read by your ideal prospect In the beginning I underestimated the influence of commenting on other high profile blogs in your market. Everything about the comment is important including the content of the comment. Most people will tell you that commenting on other peoples blogs is great for creating backlinks - yes that is a powerful aspect of commenting. But also consider what I call "face value". Face Value is the value presented to all those other faces looking at your comment. Other visitors that are engaged in the conversation about a particular post will subscribe to the comment feed. Everything from your name, the link back to your blog and your comment that adds value to the overall conversation is seen and read by many eyes. If you're commenting on a blog where your ideal client also reads and comments you have the opportunity to share value and attract prospects to your website.

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RoZochkA comment`s:

I must admit, the one who wrote well written.


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Protecting your business from fires

Protecting your business from firesAuthor: Phil Adams-WrightYour work premises are vital to the smooth running of your business.  Offices will have years worth of paperwork and important documents whilst industrial workplaces will have machinery worth millions of pounds in their buildings.  All of these workplaces though can be brought to the ground by one of the most dangerous natural occurrences: Fire.In any business and even at home you need adequate protection from fires and there are a wide range of safety equipment that many people are familiar with that can help save lives and your business.  Many of us will be familiar with some of the equipment you can get but some others may be new or you may not have considered.


New 10 of the Month -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor

New 10 of the Month -- Justice Sonia SotomayorAuthor: Dawn McIntyreCopyright (c) 2009 Dawn McIntyreThrough my work with women all over the world, I?ve developed what I call The New 10 Paradigm ? a new way to define beauty that celebrates and supports the true, genuine beauty of every woman?s mind, body and spirit. The New 10 is much more than the ?old 10? ? the woman who may have looked perfect on the outside, but didn?t have much going on on the inside. The New 10 is different. She is a woman who radiates beauty both inside and out, no matter what size or shape or race she is.Every month, I want to take the time to honor a woman who I feel exemplifies the true spirit of the New 10. And this month, I?m going to begin with someone who just leapt out at me from the pages of the newspaper and my TV screen.


But Why is My Diet not Working (Print Ready)

Jennifer, a middle-aged single mother with one six-year-old daughter, has been skipping sweets for a few weeks now. She’s also become a stickler for portion control. She feels as if she’s eating less than ever, and she’s been diligently exercising for an hour at a time at least four days a week. Yet, she hasn’t lost a single pound. The question is, “Why?” This is a dilemma which affects dieters the world over. They think they are taking the steps necessary to , but nothing seems to be happening. In essence, they are trapped in a dieting rut and they don’t know how to free themselves. As a result, they become frustrated and depressed and may then engage in binge eating.