Online Marketing Plan to Promote Your Coaching Business - Seven Simple Blog Traffic Strategies (Ezine Ready)

4. Commenting on high profile blogs also read by your ideal prospect In the beginning I underestimated the influence of commenting on other high profile blogs in your market.

Everything about the comment is important including the content of the comment. Most people will tell you that commenting on other peoples blogs is great for creating backlinks - yes that is a powerful aspect of commenting. But also consider what I call "face value". Face Value is the value presented to all those other faces looking at your comment. Other visitors that are engaged in the conversation about a particular post will subscribe to the comment feed.

Everything from your name, the link back to your blog and your comment that adds value to the overall conversation is seen and read by many eyes. If you're commenting on ablog where your ideal client also reads and comments you have the opportunity to share value and attract prospects to your website. 5. Articles Think of every article as a sample of your coaching message. Each article that you publish with words and phrases that your customers use to describe their need, or the solution they're looking for will increase your potential of being found by your ideal client. For example, let's just say that you write one article and publish in a high traffic article directory and you get 50 views in a month with 5 people clicking through from the link in your resource box. You have increased your traffic by 5 people in one month with 1 article.

Now consider publishing an average of one article per day. In one month you would have 31 articles with the potential of 50 or more views and if the same average number of click thru would give you 155 new visitors.

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RoZochkA comment`s:

I must admit, the one who wrote well written.


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