Myths And Facts About Milk

Soon the calves died with diarrhea. I thought milk was milk but I soon found out that the Pasteurized and Homogenized milk could not be digested by these calves. Homogenization broke the fat globule into such a small bit that it wouldn’t curd in the stomach and passed directly into the small intestine where it created severe inflammation. I called it toxic enteritis. I learned to treat these cases with Goats milk which has the largest fat globule of any milk found on the farm. The calves made a quick recovery if the patient hadn’t gotten too debilitated. I too drank a lot of milk when we milked cows on the farm. I never had any adverse effects from drinking a quart or more at one time. When I went on to college and I was using “store bought milk” I got so I drank very little milk and what I did drink reacted in my system like a poison. I was told I was allergic to milk. Now 50years later, a friend,who has a milk cow out in the country, asked me if I could use some milk. I accepted and for three years now I can drink milk like I did when I lived on the farm. I have no adverse side effects. This milk is raw milk, also not Homogenized. The only other question I have to answer has to do with the effect pasteurization has on the natural enzymes. The destruction of these during the pasteurization process could effect the digestibility of milk. ----- Myths and Deceptions about Raw Milk: Research and Other Articles on Raw Milk: The Crime against Raw Milk The Dangers of Processed Milk: Milk - The Perfect Food? --------- MILK DECREASES HEART ATTACKS? ------ Top Ten Reasons why Milk is not the Perfect food: 1.

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