Princess Diana Death Official Report Lied That Driver Was Drunk

These were also the two vehicles widely believed to have induced the accident. Read more about that here.Not a single one of the several eyewitnesses that night state that the Mercedes was moving erratically or in a fashion suggesting that the driver was drunk.In fact for a "drunk driver", Henri Paul showed remarkable driving skills! As the Mercedes approached the tunnel entrance the car in front started braking dangerously and performing other hazardous maneuvers such that Henri Paul deemed it best to accelerate and overtake it (actions not consistent with a man as intoxicated as Henri Paul was supposed to be according to the official report.Unfortunately a 16-meter skid mark which was quite possibly the best evidence to irrefutably determine whether Henri Paul was driving drunk (or not) was (as seemed to be the norm in this case) suspiciously cleaned up hours after the crash before professionals could examine it (and thus determine whether it was a skid mark as a result of a controlled braking or an out-of-control one)!But if Henri Paul was truly drunk, the only time that he appeared to manifest such symptoms would have been when the Mercedes S280 smashed into the 13th central pillar of the Point d'Alma tunnel. But alas…we will never truly know!What we do know is that at the Ritz Hotel he parked competently and without incident. When he pulled away from the Ritz Hotel at 12.20 a.m. hotly pursued by a pack of ravenous paparazzi and assassins he drove decisively and quickly never showing the slightest signs of drunkenness that the masterminds of the plot so cowardly fabricated as his legacy (plenty of witnesses, video footage as well as photos can corroborate this fact)!About the Author:do please browse for more information at our websites.

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