Princess Diana Death Official Report Lied That Driver Was Drunk

Princess Diana Death Official Report Lied That Driver Was DrunkPrincess Diana Death Official Report Lied That Driver Was DrunkAuthor: vaibhav sharmaThe gospel according to the official report has it that "boozehound Henri Paul" snuggled up behind the wheel of the Mercedes S280 on the night of August 31, 1997 and proceeded to drive in what can best be described as a reckless and dangerous manner (attaining speeds of 196 km/h!) before colliding with the 13th pillar of the Point d'Alma tunnel ending the lives of Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed as well as himself!Well that's the official line…but guess what?Tell A Lie Long And Loud Enough And Soon It Becomes The Truth!Unfortunately for the individuals who masterminded the death of Princess Diana, Mohammed Al Fayed happened to be the owner of the Paris Ritz Hotel. This meant that the usual trick of conveniently disappearing compromising evidence (in this case video footage) could not be so easily applied here. In this particular case the errant footage is the CCTV security footage from the Ritz Hotel on the night of the crash showing a stone cold sober Henri Paul walking normally, chatting to Dodi and Princess Diana moments before entering the vehicle!Would Princess Diana, Dodi Fayed or Trevor Rhys Jones Step Into A Car Driven By A Raving Drunk?Have you ever seen someone who's drunk in action? It's quite easy to tell they are drunk isn't it, for the mere fact they tend to exhibit characteristics commonly associated with such a condition.

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Crocheting For Newbies

Crocheting For NewbiesAuthor: Jake SaabMany theorize that knitted and crochet items survived in the early period of imperialism. Many communities in this era used this kind of industry as their main source of living. The crocheted and knitted products are mostly purchased by the middle class society. Crochet was known to identify the status symbol of a person from the early history. This kind culture was practiced by the royalties who were able to afford buying expensive lace products and make the value of crochet products to depreciate. Many have theorized that knitting and crocheting was developed through the old practices of people leaving in countries like China, Middle Eastern countries, and in South America.


Why You Should'Nt Try The Cabbage Soup Diet

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MySpace Markeing

We all know that Twitter is the new social networking phenomenon that has exploded onto the scene in a very short amount of time. Since it has become so successful, it has developed a major following for both the casual web surfer and businesses because of its potential to reach millions of people so easily. There is one thing on everyone's mind when using Twitter. How to get more followers on Twitter? Well there are good ways to answer that. Since MySpace has become so popular, so have the MySpace profile stalkers. Could be your ex-boyfriends, ex-girlfriends, or even someone you don't even know.