Thousands Sucked Dry By Hard Money Parasites - How To Avoid The Loan Leech! (Ezine Ready)

They are despicable, not because they don't want to secure funding for their client, but because they don't know the first thing about the real world of private lending... They are in it for the hope of big broker fees and don't really care about the myriad of candidates vying for funding! They don't give a flying squirrel about the client, their particular circumstances or the massive amount of time that will be wasted. They set their hook and then proceed to drag their unsuspecting prey into a daisy-chain jungle, hoping that someway, somehow, someone they find will fund the deal (throw enough wet spaghetti against the wall and something eventually has got to stick mentality). This jungle leech calls every person he can find, other leeches, quasi-brokers and the like, hoping that someone will know someone who knows someone's rich brother-in-law. This fishing can take days and sometimes weeks, and, if they ever get lucky enough to find an interested party, they simply sit back and pacify the unsuspecting client as long as they can until they find a way to the cash. Now, if the interested party is another leech (and 99% of the time they are) you can see how this daisy-chain can quickly grow into an anchor that drags the deal into the shadows of the jungle. Many deals never get funded because there are too many hands in the cookie jar..."a plethora of parasites" if you will. If one leech senses he won't get his cut of the profits, he can and usually does, kill the deal so NO ONE gets paid. And the sad thing is, a real hard money lender doesn't go near a deal that's been picked over.

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But Why is My Diet not Working (Print Ready)

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