Are You At Risk Of Losing Your Voice Because Of Your Acid Reflux Symptoms?

Are You At Risk Of Losing Your Voice Because Of Your Acid Reflux Symptoms?Are You At Risk Of Losing Your Voice Because Of Your Acid Reflux Symptoms?Author: Khim LimAre you in danger of losing your voice box if you have acid reflux? If you are starting to observe a hoarseness in your voice, you may just be. Let us examine the cause of what acid reflux is and see how it is related to your voice box. Acid reflux is a disorder in which the sphincter at the top of the stomach is unable to effectively stop stomach acid from re-entering the oesophagus i.e. the tube that connects the throat with the stomach. Because of this the throat can become sore and a cough can develop. This acid reflux symptom is often mistaken for a cold or the flu however the symptoms tend to persist even with cold treatments. Occasionally the acid reflux symptom of a sore throat can cause you to lose your voice completely. In addition they may suffer with a burning sensation in the oesophagus as food passes along it and stomach pains and upsets. In severe cases the stomach acid can travel far enough up the oesophagus so that it reaches the junction that leads to the lungs. This can then result in small amounts of acid entering the lungs and causing a cough and general irritation. When the throat becomes affected you will often notice a change in their voice. This is a common acid reflux symptom and if persistent, it can cause shortness of breath and permanent damage to the vocal chords. Changes in the voice can include a loss of volume, a deepening of the tone or hoarseness.

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Really Save Electricity - An Unusual Report !

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