Police & the Mainstream Media, Governments Most Obedient Pets

Today is police are as adept at keeping the herd together as the best trained sheepdogs, and it seems to me they are patted on their heads and rewarded even when they get a bit too aggressive with the sheep and hurt a few of the herd. The established powers love their sheepdogs and want to be certain the most aggressive rise to the top.One of the favorite laments of some of these state pets as they arrest someone or write them a citation for some crime that even they don't think should be a crime is that we should not blame them. They are, after all, not responsible for writing the law, only enforcing it. They are just doing their jobs. We shouldn't take it personally as we are arrested, handcuffed and thrown in jail. We should not blame those who wrote the citation when we have to take a day off work, waste our time and go and stand before someone calling himself judge, explain our actions which harmed no one and beg him to let us keep our money license dignity freedom. We should not blame our tormenters for tormenting us if that is their job. They're just doing their job. No thought process going on there. Just doing their job. The last lament of the unprincipled, obedient pet who loves its master and all he provides. Despite knowing what is right, despite the faults of the system set up by the state, these pets chose to do no thinking as they go about their busniness.These favorite pets of the establishment, the mainstream media and the police, almost seem to be working in concert to hold the common man in check. As our voices grow louder in a collective cry for justice, a return to the principles of our founding fathers, and a show of respect for our rights as sovereign individuals, the police grow more maniacal and the press becomes more silent.

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Wow, the author baldly nakropal.


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5 Hot Fashion Accessories for Fall 2009

5 Hot Fashion Accessories for Fall 2009Author: Harrison Fray As you welcome the cool weather of the fall season, it's also time to upgrade your accessories with the hottest in season. Longer boots are in such as those with knee-high cuffs and lace-ups. Tights and more tights are coming in bright colors and prints - think paisley and berries for this matter. Scarves and snoods are in especially for the cold night-outs and strolls at the park.Think of color and some come-backs for accessories this fall and you'll be enticed to get some of them for yourself.1. Long and Tall BootsAs mentioned earlier, longer boots are in for the cold season and style.


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