New Trends in Icts Development Making Life Easier for End-users

At the end of the day the end-user gains the power of communication in a way never imagined before. Gone are the days of unreliable snail-mails that took ages and were more costly and often times plagued by theft.About the Author:Henry Kimathi began writing poetry at the age of 15 alongside other literary works. He holds a BSc. in Agricultural Economics and is currently finalising his MBA thesis in Management Information Systems. Besides Economics, Henry is also a Web Design Specialist, Computer Programmer and a DeskTop Publishing Specialist. Henry currently works as a Regional Communications Officer with an international not-for-profit organisation and is in charge of systems administration, creative art design and press management. He has written two unpublished novelletes and is working on an African horror novel. He has penned a series of short stories and articles on a variety of topics published in journals and magazines. Henry realises little is known about his country Kenya and has thus developed a passion to right this through a website he has put together which can be accessed at Poems by Henry Kimathi: Poems from the heartArticle Source: - New Trends in Icts Development Making Life Easier for End-users

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Author kill yourself


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Elder Abuse Prevention - Emotional Abuse

Elder Abuse Prevention - Emotional AbuseAuthor: Bill HayesElder abuse prevention is a critical part of protecting our aged loved ones. the elderly often have trouble fending for themselves as their mental and physical abilities begin to wain. it is up to us to monitor their care as closely as possible to ensure their happiness and safety. Even though emotional abuse can happen under any sort of caretaker, this article will place emotional abuse in the context of a nursing home. Nurses and administrators of homes need to be mindful at all times of the unique needs of all of their patients.


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The Affiliate Marketing Tools for success find some successful companies that use affiliate marketing. Buy an affiliate marketing e-book that is easy to follow whether you are new to affiliate marketing or a seasoned affiliate marketer. It is really hard to survive without an effective affiliate marketing plan. But if you are prepared to put that time and energy into your affiliate marketing business or go on, then you will, in time, reap the rewards of all your hard work. Affiliate marketing is quite complex, and it would be impossible on the limited space here to explain all you need to know to succeed in affiliate marketing.