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Where is the Border Between Free Information and Copyright? - My sait

Where is the Border Between Free Information and Copyright?

It is a term for Constitutional protection in the US for original works published or unpublished, and is honored by many other countries, but not all. Besides the written word, it protects music, songs, computer software and architecture.

Before using content, be sure it is free, not copyrighted. Additional copyright information is available online at the US Copyright Office. For more information on copyright, visit http://www.copyrightmicroblog.com/ About the Author:Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Where is the Border Between Free Information and Copyright?

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How to Manage Credit Card Debt Wisely

By: Card credit debt settlement can slash your monthly payments and eliminate your credit card debt in just months vs. years! No out of pocket fees at all! Just lower payments... By: Have you reached your limit on your credit card and have found that you can no longer afford to make the monthly payments because of the outstanding interest? This problem is common for many who have been lured into using up their credit card limits on unrestrained shopping sprees and spending on a whim. Sometimes you feel that you are on the brink of bankruptcy and everything is hopeless. By: If you hold credit debts and are concerned about how you will meet future debt payments, it is time to take stock of your situation and the reality of the fall-out from the global credit crunch.


Mark Schecter, Esq. - Authors Articles - ArticlesBase.com

Mark S. Schecter is the founder of Schecter Law. Mr. Schecter was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in Searingtown, New York. He received a congressional appointment to the United States Merchant Marine Academy, at Kings Point, New York. While at the Academy, Mr. Schecter was a member of the Varsity Basketball team. After serving his country overseas, including time in Vietnam, Mr. Schecter decided that he wanted to be an attorney. He then enrolled in the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University. Mr. Schecter graduated magna cum laude. While in law school, Mr. Schecter was an editor of the law review, a justice of the moot court board, and received numerous academic awards, including inclusion in Who’s Who in American Colleges & Universities.


The Most Beautiful Girls in the World (Print Ready)

Beautiful girls are everywhere. Every man wants to see them because they add glamour and spice to life. Beauty is something that is very important in today's world. Every girl wants to appear beautiful so that they can be pleasant to everyone. Beauty might lie in the eye of the beholder but, there are certain standards that will have you judged whether you have beauty or not. The home of beautiful girls and people must be Hollywood. This is the center of film in the world and, for this reason, a lot of beauty must emanate from here; if they are to continue pleasing the world.