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Finding a Legitimate Work From Home Business-Key #1 - My sait

Finding a Legitimate Work From Home Business-Key #1

Would you buy into a system where you had to spend several hours a day calling people you don't know and trying to convince them to buy your POS? I wouldn't, unless it's the only way I could earn a good living for my family. So, a good system for me needs to automatically do the following: 1) Target potential customers who are already looking for the exact POS that I offer. 2) Regularly expose my POS--at a reasonable cost--to a sizeable audience of targeted potential customers. 3) Emphasize the benefits of my POS to that audience. 4) Point out the high value they will receiveat a fair and reasonable price. 5) Make it fast, easy, and secure for the customer to purchase.

6) Collect and deposit the money into my bank account. 7) Ship the product. 8) Thank my customer for his or her order. 9) Keep accurate records of all transactions. 10) Follow up regularly with my customers to obtain repeat orders. 11) Provide unexpected additional services to my customers. 12) Regularly notify all customers of new and exciting POS. Okay, if a system can do all this, what's my job? Simple.

My job is: 1) to find a system that suits me, 2) decide what POS I want to offer, 3) set the system into action and 4) monitor it closely to make sure I receive exactly what I want. Like prescribing an antibiotic for a strep throat, a doctor must check the patient often to make sure the treatment system is working. If their throat is still sore and they have a high fever and high white-cell count, I probably need to change their medicine. Just because I usually prescribe a certain treatment system (antibiotic, aspirin, gargles, etc) doesn't mean that I can walk away and "hope" it works.

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