New Drinks on the Block - Glaceau Vitamin Water

Here are some of the specific nutrition facts for a number of the flavours of Glaceau vitamin water available: Defense Calories 50; Total Fat 0g; Sodium 0mg; Total Carbohydrate 13g; Total Sugar 13g; Protein 0g; Vitamin C 60%; vitamin B3 10%; vitamin B6 10%; vitamin B12 10%; vitamin B5 10%, Zinc 10% Vital-t Calories 50; Total Fat 0g; Sodium 0mg; Total Carbohydrate 13g; Total Sugar 13g; Protein 0g; Vitamin C 60%; vitamin E 20%; vitamin B3 10%; vitamin B6 10%; vitamin B12 10%; vitamin B5 10% Stress b lemon-lime calories 40, total fat 0g, sodium 0mg, total carbohydrate 9g, sugar 8g, protein 0g, vitamin B2 25%, vitamin B3 25%, vitamin B5 25%, vitamin B6 25%, vitamin B12 25%, vitamin C 60%, st johns wort 25mg, kava kava 25mg Revive fruit punch calories 50, total fat 0g, sodium 0mg, potassium 30mg, total carbohydrate 13g, sugar 12g, protein 0g, vitamin A 10%, vitamin B3 10%, vitamin B5 10%, vitamin B6 10%, vitamin B12 10%, vitamin C 60%, vitamin E 10%, gotu kola 25mg, American ginseng 25mg Every type of Glaceau vitamin water is made using distilled water and all natural flavourings to ensure that the beneficial effects of the vitamin enhanced drink are maximised.About the Author:To read about vitamin a foods and vitamin e foods, visit the Vitamin Information site.Article Source: - New Drinks on the Block - Glaceau Vitamin Water

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