How to Link Your Domain Name to Your Web Host Acct

How do you create an online profile that is recognizable and trustworthy? Follow the steps in this article and within a couple of months you will establish a polished online personal brand for yourself. By: Home is the new office, and slippers are the high heels. Want to get on board and start your home based business? Read on for advice on how to get your business name out there via article marketing.

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Kick Start your Diet With Cabbage Soup! (Print Ready)

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a new craze that is helping people everywhere kick start their diets to achieve real success. This plan is not a long term diet, it’s a program that will help you get a head start on losing weight that will get you motivated to lose more. The is a seven day weight loss plan that anyone can use to get started losing weight. This plan uses a combination of foods to help get your body into the weight loss mode. The special cabbage soup is the basis of this revolutionary plan and you can eat as much of it as you want every day! There is no going hungry on this plan, because you can always eat more as long as you stick to the foods outlined in the plan.


Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center Waste

Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center WasteAuthor: Tony JacowskiAncillary call center processes have been perfect opportunities to implement Lean Six Sigma. However, some additional effort is needed on the main process of the call center - the call handling process. With some software systems it is possible to bring about Lean culture and the elimination of waste. Waste in Call Center Scenario The agents in call centers will have to be considered as the processes, as they are ones who deal with customer calls. There will typically be a few types of calls received at the call center, but they may be responded to differently each time, as the person on the other end may react differently.


How to Win in the Battle With Information Overload

How to Win in the Battle With Information OverloadAuthor: Clint JhonsonMaybe 20 or 30 years ago no one really thought people have too much information. Everyone had access to printed books, magazines and newspapers, the radio and the television. People would go to work, do their job, come home and keep themselves informed and entertained. About 10 years ago things changed and people started being drowned in wanted and unwanted information. The Information Overload became possible with the widely spreading and easy accessibility of the Internet along with the new invention of more and more sophisticated gadgets like the cell-phone or the PDA. Now people got to the extent of trying to find ways to win the battle against the data excess.