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Federal Court Cases Demand New Laws Concerning Cyberbullying - My sait

Federal Court Cases Demand New Laws Concerning Cyberbullying

It just goes to show you really have no idea who is going to decide to make prey of your child online.  Lori Drew, a 50-year-old woman, decided to mentally torture a 13-year-old girl because of hard feelings.  All three charges of a misdemeanor were dropped in one of the most important federal cases because the law simply didn't state anything about cyberbullying.  Missouri courts wouldn't even touch the case. Until the government enacts laws protecting our children, the task of monitoring our children online is up to us.  This could mean installing spyware to track your child's online activity or putting parental blocks on your computer.  However, no soundproof insurance policies are offered.  It is up to you to do your own investigative work and research any and all potential threats to your child.  While stiffer penalties for cyberbullying are imminent, protect your children and pay close attention to their friendships and relations in the meantime.About the Author:Quickly and Easily Find federal court cases Records Using Our Advanced Online Retrieval SystemArticle Source: ArticlesBase.com - Federal Court Cases Demand New Laws Concerning Cyberbullying

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Fact, dumb article


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Successful & Happy Marriage – 10 Secrets You Must Implement

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