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Elevate Metabolism When You Stop Smoking To Avoid Weight Gain - My sait

Elevate Metabolism When You Stop Smoking To Avoid Weight Gain

Let's Suppose you choose walking as your preferred exercise. Walk at your regular rythm, and somewhere during the walk, walk faster for twenty seconds or so, to the point you have to breath faster. This is an interval training many fat loss experts recommend.Building muscle tissueAerobic exercise, and particularly weight training, resistance, and strength training will increase muscle tissue. You can do a little by using cans of food from your cupboard for a few minutes every day, while you're in the kitchen waiting for water to boil, for instance. Put on some rhythmic music, set the microwave or oven timer for a couple of minutes, and voila, you've begun a simple kitchen gym program! Your metabolic rate will heighten by stimulating muscle mass and working out that muscle will result in fat burning. Growing up lean muscle mass will raise your resting metabolic rate. Foods that elevate metabolism?Researchers say that some foods will heighten your metabolism, but they only do so for a short time. Those foods known to increase metabolism include grapefruit, cayenne pepper, chives, and curry. The last two are reputed to help lower cholesterol.About the Author:Find out more tips and get help to stop smoking at NaturalStopSmoking.net. You will also find out what natural stop smoking programs are recommended to help you quit smoking.Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Elevate Metabolism When You Stop Smoking To Avoid Weight Gain

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