Can There Be A Psychopaths At Your Workplace?

How can you determine whether a fellow worker is a workplace psychopath? A leopard does not lose their spots. Similarly psychopaths, either on the loose or under fire may well indicate or revert to certain personality traits and behaviors. First of all does the person show no remorse no matter how much they exhibit mean behavior - whether it be victimization, talking behind the backs of fellow employees or worse and backstabbing.

Is the person more than an excellent talker - a story teller of lies? Even if caught with lies and deceit do they show no remorse - just switch tack with another tale - as if everyone else is both foolish, a mark and that they are smarter than everyone else. It's as if the world is there to be plundered - for their enjoyment and pleasure. Watch for the pleasure that such people take in their deeds of trouble. Everyone makes mistakes or may be forced into situations that they would prefer not to be in. The difference is that these people relish and are proud of these deeds and events - when it should be the other way around.

Sometimes these people are loners. Some of the times they will even function in groups. It can even be family groups to rip off and plunder everyone else outside of their close (or perhaps not close and self hating) group of vagabonds and carpetbaggers. Such individuals and groups can be seen to prey on people's weaknesses and insecurities - especially low self esteem. It's as if the undertone is "If you do not do what I want .... Give me possessions or money that I want ... You cannot be part of the group .....

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