Anticipating Your Child's Needs

By: Second language acquisition is the process by which people learn languages in addition to their native language(s). The term second language is used to describe any language whose acquisition starts after early childhood (including what may be the third or subsequent language learned). The language to be learned is often referred to as the "target language" or "L2", compared to the first language, "L1". Second language acquisition may be abbreviated "SLA", or L2A, for "L2 acquisition". By: Selective mutism is a social phobia which manifests itself as intense shyness. Most cases appear in children, who may speak at home, but not in selective venues or with selective people. It is actually an addiction to the avoidance of speaking. Selective mutism is typically misdiagnosed and incorrectly treated, often dismissed as “simply shyness” or something that the child will grow out of. Proper corrective parenting strategies can greatly assist the child in overcoming this social phobia.

Anticipating Your Child's NeedsBy: Literacy is a basic human need and human right to knowledge. It has meaning only when it leads to participation in cultural and social activities. It is empowerment which means ability to make decisions and control affairs of ones own life, economically, socially and politically, it is the first step in a life-long earning process of man and women. Life without literacy is life without hope, security and freedom. It is the foundation of all skills and pre-requisite for economic development.

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I must admit, has written a well îňćĺă!


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Free Sample Sales Letter: Example of How to Write a Persuasive Business Marketing Letter (Print Ready)

Here is an example of a business-to-business sales letter mailed to auto dealers by a firm that markets gift cards that replace paper gift certificates. Anything in brackets [like this] did not appear in the letter but simply appears to describe the mechanics of the letter [Is 5 x 9 inches in dimension and has a window, through which appears a portion of a gift card, personalized with the prospect's name. The envelope has a teaser headline: Inside: A win-win-lose proposition for your auto dealership. [Is 8 1/2 x 11 inches, copy on both sides] December 27, 2007 Brad Carling, General Manager [Right here, beneath the prospect's name, is affixed to the letter a sample auto gift card, personalized with the prospect's name, and this headline: As you can see, this card has success written all over it. Dear Mr. Carling: Go ahead, pull this amazing little card off the paper.


How to Build Patio Waterfalls

How to Build Patio WaterfallsAuthor: Sarah MartinIf you like the look of patio waterfalls but find that the readymade ones are too expensive for your budget, you can easily make one of these garden features yourself. To make the waterfall look more authentic use rock as the base material. In every garden rocks are readily available and thus won't cost you any money at all. In fact if you are landscaping and have too many rocks you can save money by building a garden water feature ( instead of having to pay to have the rocks taken away. Along with making sure you have enough rocks for the patio waterfalls you want to build, you do need to buy a pump to recirculate the water from the pond to the waterfall and have it come back to the pond again.


Protection Dog Training - Vicious Animal or Family Pet?

Protection Dog Training - Vicious Animal or Family Pet?Author: Ty BrownI was recently in a social setting where I was asked about my dog, Rocco. Rocco is my Rottweiler who has undergone extensive protection dog training. We were engrossed in a discussion about his training and capabilities when we were overheard by another person. “Oh, you shouldn’t train your dog to do that stuff. That makes them vicious,” was her statement injected into our conversation. I was initially a bit taken-aback and annoyed; not only was her comment unsolicited but it was based on a lack of knowledge.