Pros and Cons of Child Life Insurance

Pros and Cons of Child Life InsurancePros and Cons of Child Life InsuranceAuthor: DeniseThe death of a child is a subject few people want to think or even talk about. It is always thought of as something that happens ‘to others,’ but the truth of the matter is that this is not so. Deaths do happen and children do die and its up to the parents to sit themselves down and talk about how they will handle this situation and what measures are being taken to ease the process. This could include reserving a family plot for burial or planning on how to pay for a funeral. An unpleasant task but, one which every parent should force himself or herself to deal with. One way of dealing with burial costs and funeral expenses is to take out a life insurance policy for your child. Most families only insure the adult members but it may be time to revisit your financial plan and include the younger members of your family as well.Child life insurance is a huge business in the United States. There are several companies that deal exclusively with these types of policies. It is therefore important to understand why you need insurance and how the different types of policies work lest, you get carried away by some aggressive sales pitch or insistent insurance agent and, end up with a policy that you regret later on.The two different types of insurance policies available for children are term life and whole life. A term life policy implies insurance with only death benefits. If your child dies within the term chosen (anywhere from one to thirty years), the death benefits will be paid out immediately but if your child outlives the term, the entire amount is forfeited.

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