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New 10 of the Month -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor - My sait

New 10 of the Month -- Justice Sonia Sotomayor

New 10 of the Month -- Justice Sonia SotomayorNew 10 of the Month -- Justice Sonia SotomayorAuthor: Dawn McIntyreCopyright (c) 2009 Dawn McIntyreThrough my work with women all over the world, I?ve developed what I call The New 10 Paradigm ? a new way to define beauty that celebrates and supports the true, genuine beauty of every woman?s mind, body and spirit. The New 10 is much more than the ?old 10? ? the woman who may have looked perfect on the outside, but didn?t have much going on on the inside. The New 10 is different. She is a woman who radiates beauty both inside and out, no matter what size or shape or race she is.Every month, I want to take the time to honor a woman who I feel exemplifies the true spirit of the New 10. And this month, I?m going to begin with someone who just leapt out at me from the pages of the newspaper and my TV screen. I?m talking about America?s newest Supreme Court Justice ? only the third woman and the first Hispanic ever to hold the position ? Sonia Sotomayor.To some of you, this might sound like a fairly controversial choice. Not everyone supported her nomination, and to be honest, there?s probably no way I could possibly choose someone from the world of politics without ruffling a few feathers. But my choice of Sonia Sotomayor has nothing whatsoever to do with her political views. It has everything to do with her strength, her grace and her femininity ? the things that make her stand out in my mind as a New 10.Watching the soon-to-be Supreme Court Justice on TV and seeing her in the papers, her confidence, warmth and radiance really struck me.

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Do You Need Dental Implants?

Do You Need Dental Implants?Author: Sarah ReddingworthGetting dental implants comes into the domain of cosmetic surgery or better still cosmetic dentistry. It may seem like a procedure for stars, but the question remains, do you need dental implants? It is the aim of this article to help you find out whether you do need to get dental implants. We start life with our first set of teeth. These teeth last till a point, then we start to get our full set of teeth. These adult teeth we have, and we function with them. Then we realize something, they can get bad, and the world of fillings opens up! We start to see just how important it is to care for our teeth. Getting fillings, visiting the dentist is not a fun process, we start to consider the finiteness of this life, and wonder what can be done.


A Diet Pill Superhero (Print Ready)

So many diet supplements make lofty claims of dramatic weight loss yet carry potentially dangerous risks.  In fact, the term "diet pill" itself can carry negative connotations in the minds of dieters looking for help.  Unfortunately, many overweight people simply cannot lose weight on their own.  Finding time to exercise or plan nutritious meals can be impossible in this hectic day and age.  It is essential for some dieters to add a supplement to their plan.  One new and safer choice of diet supplements on the market is .  Hydrox-Slim fully discloses its ingredients, which are all natural and healthy.  Hydrox-Slim contains a blend of essential vitamins and plant extracts.


How Does Air Conditioning Work?

How Does Air Conditioning Work?Author: Amy NuttAn air conditioner is a device which cools the indoor air by removing heat and sending it outside. The result is indoor space that has less heat making it cooler for everyone, including pets. Air conditioners can cool a room, a house, or a whole business. Air conditioners contain chemical fluid called a refrigerant which can change from a gas to a liquid and back to a gas again. A refrigerant called Freon is normally used in air conditioners. This chemical is used to transfer heat from the air inside of a home to the outside air.