Living the Serenity Prayer

Living the Serenity PrayerLiving the Serenity PrayerAuthor: Dr Kevin Ross EmerySeveral months ago, a friend approached me with a question. If I were to get up in front of a large audience and speak about something I thought would make their lives better, what would that subject be? For the last several years of my teaching and speaking career, my first response would have been to say, "Empowerment." This time however, I looked at my friend and without missing a beat said, "The Serenity Prayer." When he asked me why I would choose this subject, I told him that I had used the Serenity Prayer for almost 20 years in my spiritual coaching and counseling practice to help my clients. In this article, I would like to explore the serenity aspect of the prayer. As often times is the case, when I begin to talk or write about something, I like to see what Webster's Dictionary has to say about it. One definition I found for the word "serenity" was, "A place of calmness and tranquility." The question that brought up for me was, "Is serenity a place where we go, or a state that we live within?" Rather than just answering this question on my own, I decided to see what other people had to say. Many of the people I asked said that serenity is associated with acceptance, as in The Serenity Prayer: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change." However when asked where they found the calmness and tranquility that defines serenity, some replied that when they did find it, it was when they meditated or chanted; or did yoga or T'ai Chi.

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Math Bingo

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