Intonation and Stress in English Pronunciation

Intonation and Stress in English PronunciationIntonation and Stress in English PronunciationAuthor: Frank GeraceThe Rhythym of a Language: Speakers and learners of English are interested in improving their ACCENT. They quite properly give importance to their pronunciation. However, making the correct English sounds is only a part of a correct accent. A native accent also depends on proper links between parts of the expressions spoken, and also the proper intonation or stress on the parts of the words in the spoken utterance. It is necessary to have the proper "music" or rhythm of the language that is spoken. You all know the following word game.

Intonation and Stress in English PronunciationWhat is a "zookee"? Ask this of a native born English speaker and they will not know what you mean. If you say, "It is used to open the gate to a place where animals are kept". He or she will know that you are saying "zoo key". You may have pronounced the sounds perfectly but your link between the two parts of the word caused your listener to not hear "zoo key". The same thing happens with word stress. A native speaker of English knows whether you mean the place where the president of the United States lives, or a house that is painted white when you say "white house". Similarly when you say "dark room", you mean either a room with no lights on, or the place where a photographer develops film.

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