Business Opportunities Las Vegas - Recession Proof Business

Business Opportunities Las Vegas - Recession Proof BusinessBusiness Opportunities Las Vegas - Recession Proof BusinessAuthor: Greg RiosIce cream was invented in two thousand BC. Yet it was 3,900 years after before someone figured out the ice cream cone. Meat was in the planet before humans. Bread was baked in 2600 BC. However , it took another 4,300 years for someone to put them together and create the sandwich. And the modern flush toilet was invented in 1775, but it wasn t until 1857 that someone thought up toilet paper.Once these clear connections have been made, they appear so apparent. So evident. We will be able to t believe we didn t see them sooner. A never ending number of these unmade connections exist to this day, particularly in the business world. You are surrounded by straightforward, plain solutions that can dramatically boost your revenue, power, influence and success. The difficulty is, you don t see them.Before Henry Ford would hire any one for a crucial position, he would have lunch with them. If the potential employee would salt the food before tasting it, Mr. Ford would not hire the person. The reason? Salting the food before tasting it indicated the person would implement a plan before testing it - ergo, no job. Was Henry Ford too intense with his hiring policy based on salting food before testing? Maybe. But, then again, Henry Ford was America s first billionaire.One company that seemingly didn t test enough is the maker of Excedrin. Several years ago they ran a multi-million dollar, countrywide advertising campaign showing different, better than average headaches and alloting them numbers, like Excedrin headache #9, Excedrin headache twenty-three, etc, where Excedrin relieved the discomfort.

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Choosing the Perfect Wedding Invitation

Choosing the Perfect Wedding InvitationAuthor: Benard WorseleyChoosing the perfect wedding invitation can prove to be a daunting task especially with the advent of so many designs and features to choose from. It appears that every single detail about planning a wedding is increasingly becoming more sophisticated nowadays and choosing the perfect wedding invitation is no exception. The wedding couple can easily get overwhelmed when it comes to choosing a wedding invitation that suits their wedding style. However, couples should be aware that there is such a thing as a sample wedding invitation. These are basically templates where the couple can get ideas for their desired style.


How to Prevent Hair Color Fading

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Mortgage Crisis

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