5 Essential Medical Machines Used in Hospitals

5 Essential Medical Machines Used in Hospitals5 Essential Medical Machines Used in HospitalsAuthor: Ryan FrankToday, medical equipment technology is advancing at increasingly rapid speeds, in large part because of the advent of computer technology just a few decades ago. But despite this, some of the most common and essential pieces of medical machinery still in use today had their origin in pre-computer times. Here are 5 of the top medical machines used in hospitals. DefibrillatorsDefibrillators remain the best tools for reviving patients during cardiac arrests. Defibrillators can be found in almost every hospital room today along with the first aid kit. Experiments with defibrillation started in the late 19th century, but it wasn’t until 1947 that a defibrillator was first used to resuscitate a human being: a 14 year old patient of Doctor Claude Beck. Beck used his still-not-properly-tested defibrillator when the 14-year-old’s heart stopped in the middle of open heart surgery.  Patient MonitorsOne of the most essential tools in the operating room, the patient monitor is a large device that records and interprets the vital signs of a patient during medical care or treatment. Thanks to patient monitors, doctors and nurses are sometimes alerted of incoming changes or dangers to the patients state before symptoms of the changes become physically apparent.X-ray MachineIt was German physicist Wilhelm Roentgen who accidentally discovered x-rays in 1895 while working on experiments with electron beams.

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E-me, a stupid article


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As usual, webmaster unusually published.


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Contesting a Traffic Ticket - What Information Do You Need to Know?

Contesting a Traffic Ticket - What Information Do You Need to Know?Author: John OleanderWhen you have received an accusation of violating the laws of the land, any person would immediately impose the right to get a lawyer and remain innocent until proven guilty. However, let be reminded also that there are cases when you do not necessarily need a lawyer to defend you, in cases like contesting a traffic ticket. You are the lawyer of your own case. Traffic tickets are a major distraction in life. The thought of fixing your tickets and contesting them in courts are worst.


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How To Fight Acne And Win!

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