3 Pros and Cons of a Federal Auto Industry Bailout

3 Pros and Cons of a Federal Auto Industry Bailout3 Pros and Cons of a Federal Auto Industry BailoutAuthor: Roni DeutchPro 1: Eco CarsIf the bailout money works the way it is supposed to and pulls the big three out of the hole, good things could potentially come of it. One proposal is that after being saved the automakers could be pushed to manufacture and sell cars that are both good for the environment and economy.Con 1: Taxpayer CashPerhaps the most obvious con, it is no secret that we will all be helping bail these companies out. Although it is still unknown where the money may or may not come from, taxpayer cash will be included for sure. Bloggers, business leaders, and experts are expressing their frustration about this all over the Internet. Pro 2: Recession WoesWhile most are already feeling the effects of a recession on their wallets and gas tanks, it could be a lot worse if something else “big” happens. Some experts feel not bailing out the big three could result in a much deeper and more severe recession then we are already in. With thousands of jobs connected to the auto companies and stocks across the board, their downfall could have a large effect on our economy.Con 2: BankruptcyOne of the only other options for GM and the rest of the big three is to file bankruptcy under chapter 11. It is true that we have already assisted these companies financially this year and it helped them for few months. For this reason, some economists feel another bailout would just be like bailing out a sinking ship that is going to sink no matter what we do.

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