Weight Loss Basics -- Resources

Weight Loss Basics -- ResourcesWeight Loss Basics -- ResourcesAuthor: Ulf Wolf(Seventh in a Series)   Help Pride and independence often tell us the story we want to hear: we can do this on our own, we know we can; we don’t need any help. That may well be true if you only have ten or so pounds to lose to get into last year’s dress for a party. Live on lemon juice for a week or two while you treadmill yourself ragged for two hours a day. Sure, you’ll get into that dress—though you probably won’t again a couple of weeks after the party. If, however, you’re facing a long-term weight loss project of fifty, seventy-five, one hundred pounds or more—and especially if you’ve tried, and failed, a few times already—it’s time to swallow your pride and acknowledge that, yes, you could do with a hand here. The ability to accept help, freely and without resentment, is undervalued. Few have it innately.

Most have to work at it. And as a long-term dieter, you had better acquire this skill sooner rather than later. Once you have come to terms with needing a hand, however, you will find that such hands abound. Weight Loss Sites This paragraph opens with a warning: there are so many Internet sites devoted to weight loss that you can easily spend the rest of your days perusing them all and never quite get around to losing weight. Also, many weight loss sites are pure money making schemes, praying on your need (getting more and more desperate as time, and failed diets, pile up) to lose weight.

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10 Marketing Issues to Address at Your Law Firm Retreat

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