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The Miraculous Event of the Solar Eclipse - My sait

The Miraculous Event of the Solar Eclipse

The Miraculous Event of the Solar EclipseThe Miraculous Event of the Solar EclipseAuthor: Shawna RuppertSince man has walked the earth, he has wondered about the world around him. And nothing is more mysterious than the skies above. From the common occurrence of falling stars to the rarely seen eclipses, ancient man has tried to explain why it happened. At the beginning, eclipses were seen as a sign. The meaning of the sign depended on the interpreter.   Eclipses have been connected to historical events and have been seen as a mysterious connection to war, births and UFOs. Ancient Mayan Priests, in 755 A.D., prophesied that a total eclipse would happen on July 11, 1991. And this eclipse would make two very life changing events take place on that date.   “Cosmic Awareness” and “Earth Changes” are the events that took place. Like clockwork, on July 11, 1991 a total solar eclipse took place at 1:00pm over Mexico City, Mexico. Of course, with this eclipse, came a UFO. At least 17 people in different areas videotaped the eclipse and the UFO. Yet, astronomers from around the world came to Mexico City for the once in a lifetime event and never mentioned a UFO.   If you are playing a Solar Eclipse Trivia game, and a question comes up on the Solar Eclipse Quiz about Xerxes and his relationship with a solar eclipse, what are you going to reply? Something about the movie 300? No, you are going to talk about the annular eclipse of 478 BC. On February 17, 478 BC, Herodotus recorded an eclipse would occur and, while Xerxes departed from his campaign against Greece, he saw the eclipse.

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What to be expected, author nakropal bad!


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In Internet Marketing the System is Everything-How and Why it Works

In Internet Marketing the System is Everything-How and Why it WorksAuthor: Charles SmithdealLet's say you have a marvelous product or service (POS) to market. You've discovered that there are 1.5 billion people connected to the Internet in more than 100 English-speaking countries. Lots of those folks have a problem that your POS could solve, and they're searching daily for that solution. The question becomes: What are your chances of hooking up with those prospective customers, using your current method of marketing? Because the Internet marketplace is so large, many, many competitors are already out there pitching their wares. Some of them make plenty of sales and lots of money. My recent investigation suggests, however, that the majority accidentally stumbled into this windfall.


Celebrity Diet Secrets - Is the South Beach Diet One of Them?

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THE AUTISM PLAGUE: DEPOPULATION EXPERIMENT SUCCESS OR FAILURE? -- BY J.E. AnteAuthor: Joseph AnteTHE AUTISM PLAGUE: DEPOPULATION EXPERIMENT SUCCESS OR FAILURE? -- BY J.E. Ante<P>The modern day autism plague of 1 in 100 children is blamed by doctors and medical experts on unknown causes and some say just better diagnosis of this disease.  But the real cause is the on-going rainbow experiments by the depopulation movement of the world. <P>These depopulation experiments of many toxins and methods to weaken the population and slow and reverse population growth have alarmed the general public who now have many friends and neighbors or family members burdened with autistic children who can not function in society.