Do I Need an Attorney for Social Secuirty Disability And How Can I afford to Hire One

Do I Need an Attorney for Social Secuirty Disability And How Can I afford to Hire OneDo I Need an Attorney for Social Secuirty Disability And How Can I afford to Hire OneAuthor: Anthony Castelli If you are so injured that you will not be able to work for one year you can file for social secuity disability. To file the initial application you do not need a lawyer. All you will be doing is getting forms and filling them out. You call the social security 800 number 1-800-772-1213. Tell them whay you want to do . They will send you forms to fill out about your wor history and your limitation and doctors. You will want to make an appointment to go into social security to have them finish the application and give you verification. If you are like many claimants you will be denied. That's the time to hire an experienced social security disability attorney.

Do I Need an Attorney for Social Secuirty Disability And How Can I afford to Hire OneThey can expain your rights in more detail. They can explain the process in more detail. They can make sure sure rights are protected. They can dig out any doctor's records and write for special reports and submit them to social security. Then when you get denied again they can file an appeal that allows you a hearing in front of a judge.

Do I Need an Attorney for Social Secuirty Disability And How Can I afford to Hire OneThey can represent you at the hearing, crossexamine witnesses , perpare you for the hearing, and make legal arguements on your behalf.

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Pisac clever dude


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