Can There Be A Psychopaths At Your Workplace?

Can There Be A Psychopaths At Your Workplace?Can There Be A Psychopaths At Your Workplace?Author: William Z. PikerDo Psychopaths exist in the workplace? Better yet can a psychopath appear in your life at your workplace? Psychopaths are usually seen in roles of self centered individuals who care about no one but themselves who do great harm. Their motto may well be "I don't do anything that is not in my interest and that I do not get my piece - right away". Or it may be that this deviant behavior is below the surface and never noticed or apparent. It is often said in retrospect that the "Axe Murderer" was a quiet person who kept to himself, may have been a good family man and bothered no one. Psychopaths are usually seen in serial killers, rapists or sadists in Hollywood movies. They appear in the media and literature. Think of an early model as the Zodiac Killer in the Bay area of San Francisco. However these same people and personalities are never expected to cross our paths in real life.

Can There Be A Psychopaths At Your Workplace?Yet it is estimated that approximately 1 percent of the general population fits the mold. It's only a matter of time until you cross paths with a psychopath in real life at your workplace or place of employment. What exactly is a psychopath? In clinical psychology a psychopath is defined as a condition characterized as a condition characterized by a lack of empathy or conscience, poor impulse control and / or manipulative behavior.

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