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Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center Waste

Cutting-Edge Methods Help Target Call Center WasteAuthor: Tony JacowskiAncillary call center processes have been perfect opportunities to implement Lean Six Sigma. However, some additional effort is needed on the main process of the call center - the call handling process. With some software systems it is possible to bring about Lean culture and the elimination of waste. Waste in Call Center Scenario The agents in call centers will have to be considered as the processes, as they are ones who deal with customer calls. There will typically be a few types of calls received at the call center, but they may be responded to differently each time, as the person on the other end may react differently.


Looking for Delhi Airports

Jaded with the concrete jungles, urban hurry hounding you every waking moment? Come to Nagaland. Lofty hills, thickly wooded jungles and exotic warrior tribes - it is a fairytale land. Assam is a prominent northeastern state of India. A rich history, myths and legends, plethora of wild lives, temples and to cap it all, an unparalleled natural beauty - a wealth of tourist attractions lie hidden in this state. Very little has been discovered by the global travelers so far. Many paths lie untrodden, much more are undiscovered. Goa travel is one of the high points of the India tourist circuit. Goa is an enchanting land blessed with exotic landscapes, silvery golden beaches, green hills, lip smacking sea food and other tangible and intangible allures.


I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by (Ezine Ready)

You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as you leave the article title, author name, body and resource box in tact (means NO changes) with the links made active and you agree to our posted . Use the tools below to copy the article in plain text form, or you can copy it as HTML, ready to copy and paste directly into a web page. HTML Version: I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by I Feel Beautiful - the Second Commandment for Every Woman to Live by Author: Dawn McIntyre Copyright (c) 2009 Dawn McIntyre No matter what age or size we are, most girls and women continually ask themselves, "What can I do to feel more beautiful?" I have found that all women, even the ones that are outwardly attractive, fail to see and feel the real beauty that exists within us all.