WoTLK Secrets Guide - The Best Way to Make Money in WoTLK Review

WoTLK Secrets Guide - The Best Way to Make Money in WoTLK ReviewWoTLK Secrets Guide - The Best Way to Make Money in WoTLK ReviewAuthor: Brett BarringtonRecently I was wondering what kind of guides were out for WoTLK. When a new expansion comes out there are always undiscovered bugs and way to make crazy amounts of gold. I started my venture through the web and came across " WoTLK Secrets " guide. It had a nice cover, and a very informative landing page. I also saw they were a clickbank publisher, so if they were to scam me I would easily get my money back within 8 weeks. Now let's talk about the guide itself and what useful information it did have. The Good They had some very detailed way to make gold.

They included ways for almost every profession. They gave farming paths to take for the quickest return. The guide itself is 250 pages in length, which is not bad at all. I will say it covered raid's very well, explain boss fights and the mechanics of certain dungeons. It really helped me not to be such a noob when I finally hit 80 and began to run heroics. One thing it deffinaly did was teach me was introduce me to the new raids.

Almost every boss and strategy for the bosses were explained, plus easy ways to see the boss drops. The gold I made after reading this guide was outstanding also. There were a few methods just by fishing that I was making almost 2000 gold a day with. For fishing, that isn't bad. There are so many uncovered treasures in WoTlK that no one has found, and that is why this guide is so amazing.

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PsIxOzzzzzz comment`s:

E-mine, too short article


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