Steps For Tension Relaxation

Steps For Tension RelaxationSteps For Tension RelaxationAuthor: Mason HintonStep One: Tension. The process of applying tension to a muscle is essentially the same regardless of which muscle group you are using. First, focus your mind on the muscle group; for example, your right hand. Then inhale and simply squeeze the muscles as hard as you can for about 8 seconds; in the example, this would involve making a tight fist with your hand. Beginners usually make the mistake of allowing muscles other than the intended group to tense as well; in the example, this would be tensing muscles in your right arm and shoulder, not just in your right hand.

Steps For Tension RelaxationWith practice you will learn to make very fine discriminations among muscles; for the moment just do the best you can.It can be very frustrating for a beginner to try to experience a fine degree of muscle separation.  Because neglect of the body is an almost universal cultural attitude, it is usually very difficult to begin learning how to take responsibility for your body's mechanics.Take heart and realize that learning fine muscle distinction is in and of itself a major part of the overall PMR learning process.  PMR isn't just about tension and relaxation - it's also about muscle discernment.Relax and realize that no part of the body is an isolated unit.  The muscles of the hand, for example, do have connections in the forearm, so when you tense your hand, there will still be some small tension occurring in the forearm.When PMR asks that the hand be tensed without tensing the arm, it is really speaking to the beginner who, out of unfamiliarity with the body's muscles will unthinkingly tense everything in the whole arm.  If you accept the fact that you are in the beginner phase and not inept at practicing the procedure, then you will begin to patiently discover the fine muscles with practice.It's important to really feel the tension.

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