My Divorce Can I Stop It?

My Divorce Can I Stop It?My Divorce Can I Stop It?Author: Liza WinnerCan I stop my divorce?  Have you been asking yourself that question lately?  It’s a hard question to answer because every situation is so different.  In many cases, “Can I stop my divorce?” can be answered, “Yes, at least for a while.” Why are divorce lawyers do a booming business?  Why do over half of marriages end in divorce?  Have you ever wondered why?  Is it because too many couples get married too quickly before they really know what they’re getting into?  Are they asking, “Can I stop my divorce?” practically before the last piece of wedding cake is wrapped?Are people marrying too young?  These things might seem like pat answers.  But when you consider that many couples who have been married for 20, 30 and 40 years are getting divorced too, that seems to eliminate the more frivolous marriages and divorces like those we see among starlets and stars. No, usually when you wonder, “Can I stop my divorce?” it’s not because you married too young or because you’re in a marriage that was doomed from the start.  It’s just that you’ve grown apart from your spouse. On one hand that’s good.  It means you’ve grown, and generally a married person needs to be in a caring, nurturing marriage to grow.  On the other hand it’s all too easy to grow in such a way that we feel a bit isolated from our spouse.When one spouse grows and takes on new interests, it can cause that disconnect between the spouses.  Sometimes there’s jealousy and envy that a spouse is succeeding while the other feels inadequate or cheated in some way.  Marriage counseling is the recommended treatment for such feelings.

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Reebok Freestyle

Reebok FreestyleAuthor: jane baronIn 1982, Reebok introduced the Reebok “Freestyle”, a woman’s athletic shoe designed for aerobic exercise.  This new shoe marked a shift in the athletic shoes market towards athletic shoes designed for sports other than jogging (aerobics, basketball, etc.) and towards the female market for sports shoes (before the 1980’s jogging was primarily a “man’s” hobby).  With a price tag of 60 dollars, the Reebok was shockingly expensive at the time.  Some people called it the most expensive sports shoe in the world.  The original Freestyle was an Oxford-style (lace-up) shoe made out of white leather.


What is 20/20 Vision?

What is 20/20 Vision?Author: Jennifer Kimberley If you have what has been determined as humanity’s “normal” eyesight, you have 20/20 vision. In countries which use metric measurements, it is called 6/6 vision, referring to meters instead of feet. 20/20 vision is not “perfect” vision, but it is clear at all distances, needing no glasses or contact lenses. Vision can be better than 20/20, so let’s look at that further down this article. The Snellen Eye Chart Most of us are familiar with that eye chart which has a single large letter at the top (usually an “E”) and rows of progressively smaller letters below it. There are some variations on the most common version of this chart.


Healthy Dog Treats

Healthy Dog TreatsAuthor: John VelazcoOverweight dogs are not as active as other fit dogs and do not have the energy to even brisk walk and exercise. Such pets should be given healthy dog treats and diets which do not contain any fatty food and is consumed in small quantities. Feed your pet a proper balanced food to maintain healthy energy levels. Healthy dog treats can help your dog lose weight when combined with a natural food diet. And above all the variety of flavors and shapes available are sure to attract your pet.

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