Less Painful Back Surgery

Less Painful Back SurgeryBy: Although pain affects more than 76 million Americans, it can be an isolating experience. According to the American Pain Foundation, pain is a critical, biological warning sign to the body when something. Pain can signal injury, such as touching a hot oven, or an underlying disease or infection, such as cancer or shingles. By: Acute back pain may begin suddenly and usually lasts around 3 months. Chronic back pain sometimes lasts throughout life. By: Living with chronic pain can really diminish and take away the joy of life. In this article, a leading British hypno-psychotherapist explains how hypnosis and hypnotherapy offers real and effective help with pain relief. By: By: Cold lasers are used in a variety of medical applications.

They are also known by the names of scalar wave laser, scalar laser, low level lasers and soft lasers. These types of lasers are By: Arthritis is a group of conditions where there is damage caused to the joints of the body. Arthritis is the leading cause of disability in people over the age of 55. By: If you are suffering from knee pain, it is possible that you have injured your meniscus. Treatment options vary, including rest, seeing your physician, and using well designed knee braces. Learn more about this type of injury and treatment options here.

Less Painful Back SurgeryBy: More and more people are starting to understand how important a role yoga plays in living a pain free and healthy life.

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Somewhere I have seen a similar theme, but still thanks


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Discussing Drug Use with Your Teens

By: Drug abuse has a wide range of definitions related to taking a psychoactive drug or performance enhancing drug for a non-therapeutic or non-medical effect. By: In essence, people can naturally detoxify toxic substances without support. Yet, with the growing amount of toxins that are being ingested into the body through water consumption, environment, and the food that people eat, can build up. Detox (detoxification) is a term that's came into popular use in the last decade... By: Cannabis is found to be the commonly used drug in the world.


Women's Health Care

Women's Health CareAuthor: R.GitcherWhen the topic of women's health care is raised, the first disease that comes to mind is probably breast cancer. But surprisingly, that's not the number one health care issue confronting women today. In fact, heart disease kills more women each year than all forms of cancer combined. By knowing the most significant risks in women's health care and what you can do to combat these health care issues, women of all ages can take a proactive approach to leading healthier lives. The #1 Women's Health Care Issue: Heart Disease More than 489,000 American women lose their lives each year as a result of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases.


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