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Five steps to peace of mind - My sait

Five steps to peace of mind

Five steps to peace of mindfive steps to peace of mindAuthor: WEE DILTSINTRODUCTION: You can help yourself. You can bring about magnificent changes by taking some really simple steps.Wouldn’t you like to remain calm and serene no matter what was going on in your world? Well it is possible to enjoy peace of mind, to live in the “I’ of life’s storm. Five Steps to Peace of MindChange your thinking and you change your life. 1. Stop worryingWorry is a waste of the magical power of thinking.Are you one of the millions who constantly subject your mind to unnecessary wear and tear by the constant whirling of worry thoughts?Worry is like a drill boring a hole, round and round it goes and into the subconscious mind goes nothing of value, the subconscious mind cannot create a hole in your external life. The Screw TheoryVisualize a drill boring into a piece of wood. If you drill half way, the board will still hold. If you drill all the way through the board will hold nothing.Think of the board as your mind, if you continue drilling with the vicious cycle of worry, worry, and more worry you reach a point where the mind cannot hold a positive thought.You must learn to stop all worry thoughts at the door of your mind.Stop them before they drill  holes into your subconscious mind. Start sending your subconscious mind thoughts it can build on.Many worriers lack faith which leads to constant fear and worry. 2. Start MeditatingFind time for quiet time, meditation, reading.  Enjoy a time of quiet without the jangle of the constant voice chatter in your head.Peace of mind is a state of inner calm and tranquility.

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Ready to Begin a New Job Search or is a Home Based Business a Better Option?

Ready to Begin a New Job Search or is a Home Based Business a Better Option?Author: Joe LipskiDeciding on one's career path could be one of the most stressful moments in a persons life. To make things worse, it's an even scarier thought for most Americans that face their worst fears, they lost their jobs. For many of you, its compounded by dread of the thought of having to go on a job Interview again and selling some employer how you are the right choice for the job. I've heard nightmarish jokes in the corporate lunch rooms about not hiring a perfectly qualified candidate who was over 45 because they didn't want their HMO group plan rates to increase by hiring older employees.


Three Simple Techniques to make a Self Watering Flower Window Box

Three Simple Techniques to make a Self Watering Flower Window BoxAuthor: Manseo SharmaIn the present scenario, self watering flower window boxes are popping up as a new trend. And of course, it saves both time and money and keeping your plants looking healthy when we are quite busy we forget, or we have to go on holiday.  Anyway, there are 3 simple techniques to make your flower window boxes self-watering. 1. Using a water reservoir system. 2. Using a drip irrigation kit or 3. By managing your sprinkler system. The method of using a water reservoir system is quite trendy among the people. This technique involves the use of a water reservoir insert that sits on the bottom of window box.


Yuko Hair Straightening Technique

A conventional 9 to 6 job not providing enough income? Looking for the sources to earn an extra sum of money? Now, the only way you can have an extra income is by doing a second job or by starting your own home business. There are many opportunities available in the market, which promote themselves as viable money making home business. Prosperity Automated System is one such home based business. Prosperity network’s automated system actually generates hard cash profits for you. There are no f In my work as a business coach I meet with people every day who have dreams of creating success in their business. Sadly, most of them are saying the same thing, “I hate marketing, I just want to do what I’m good at without having to market myself.