Cash For Clunkers: Good Or Bad Idea?

Cash For Clunkers: Good Or Bad Idea?Cash For Clunkers: Good Or Bad Idea?Author: Bond MejehThe "Cash for Clunkers" bill was officially known by the acronym CARS, which either stood for Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save or Car Allowance Rebate System. This program supplies $1 billion worth of vouchers to American car owners who trade in their old vehicles in exchange for a voucher for up to $4,500 to help buy a new, more fuel-efficient vehicle. Many car owners still drive SUVs and large trucks because of their lack of environmental awareness. At first, this almost seems like you have to bribe people to become environmentally conscious. The thing is, at a trade-in value of maximum $4,500, they may not be getting the best trade in value for their clunker or gas-guzzler. Unless you're driving a really old car and you decide to get something more recent, you would really be losing! This bill will benefit smaller businesses that use older work vehicles.

Cash For Clunkers: Good Or Bad Idea?The Cash for Clunkers program is patterned after European countries that have used the same methods to increase new model car sales. It's important to emphasize the voucher given in this program is "up to $4,500 which means it could be considerably less. It depends on just how fuel-efficient the newer car is. The program really benefits consumers whose car trade-in value is worth less than the cash incentive.

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