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Avoid Infertility Information Overload With Lisa Olson’s Pregnancy Miracle

Avoid Infertility Information Overload With Lisa Olson’s Pregnancy MiracleAuthor: Cory JeanThere is absolutely tons of information out there on infertility in the form of books, free advice, old wives tales and advice from infertility specialists. It is easy to become overwhelmed with all of it and not know where to begin or what to do in your own life to try to become pregnant quickly and easily. Lisa Olson’s book “Pregnancy Miracle” is a start to finish plan that has been used by hundreds if not thousands of couples who had differing forms of infertility to quickly become pregnant without the use of drugs or surgery. Typically, couples became pregnant within three months while some found success within six months.


Christmas Wreaths and Garlands

Christmas Wreaths and GarlandsAuthor: Mitch JellyEarly Uses of Wreaths and Garlands: Wreaths and garlands have been used in festivals and in celebrations for many thousands of years. Its believed that with the wreath forming a circle that it symbolizes eternity, it has no beginning or end. One of the ancient celebrations where wreaths were given as a prize was at the Pythian Games, a precursor to the Olympic Games which are held today. Wreaths were also made larger and placed on doors or the sides of buildings, probably equal to something like the 72 inch Princess Pine Giant Christmas Wreath which is used today. The festivals and celebrations during the winter months often used wreaths and garland to decorate towns and villages.



THE AUTISM PLAGUE: DEPOPULATION EXPERIMENT SUCCESS OR FAILURE? -- BY J.E. AnteAuthor: Joseph AnteTHE AUTISM PLAGUE: DEPOPULATION EXPERIMENT SUCCESS OR FAILURE? -- BY J.E. Ante<P>The modern day autism plague of 1 in 100 children is blamed by doctors and medical experts on unknown causes and some say just better diagnosis of this disease.  But the real cause is the on-going rainbow experiments by the depopulation movement of the world. <P>These depopulation experiments of many toxins and methods to weaken the population and slow and reverse population growth have alarmed the general public who now have many friends and neighbors or family members burdened with autistic children who can not function in society.